潘朵拉紅酒1500ML |
潘朵拉這個名字來自古希臘神話,代表著對希望和未來的控制。 Pandorla紅葡萄酒是Kouben Biotechnical Alcohol Manufacturing Co.,Ltd。發布的第一款紅葡萄酒。
它採用優質葡萄酒,是一種美麗的紅色,富含單寧。 這些口味經過精心定制,以滿足台灣人的喜好,酸度降低,絲滑柔滑。 最好的體驗讓人感受到它獨特的質感,這是我們慶祝和聚會的完美選擇。
The name Pandorla comes froma ancient Greek mythology, representing control of hope and future. Pandorla Red Wine is the first red wine to be released by Kouben Biotechnical Alcohol Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
It uses high quality wine that is a beautiful red and rich in tannins. The flavors have been carefully tailored to meet Taiwanese preferences with reduced acidity and a silky touch of seetness. Best experiencd chilled to experence its unique texture, this is theperfect choice for our celebrations and gatherings.
A red wine for all occasions for you to drink at any time.